HP Improves Software Release Process for MPE/iX In response to customer requests for new product availability independent of a full MIT release, Hewlett-Packard has refined its software release process to allow both new and updated products to be released every three months. As of September, 1993, HP is using a new time-driven software release process to deliver on tape MPE/iX subsystem products as well as software required to support new HP 3000 systems and peripherals. These products can be added to any system on MPE/iX Release 4.0. Features and Benefits o New and updated software available every 3 months. As a result of the new MPE-Express process, HP 3000 products (e.g. systems, peripherals, databases, networking software, support products) no longer have to wait for the next major MIT release to be made available. New products are now available every 3 months. o Minimal impact to your system during installation. For customers who currently have MPE/iX Release 4.0 on their systems, new functionality can be added to your system without having to update your base system. System integrity is preserved. As a result, there is no need to recertify your system after adding functionality since your base operating system has not changed. o Reduced downtime. You are able to install new functionality without updating your base operating system; therefore, system availability is increased. The end-user realizes increased functionality without the downtime impact required to do a system update. Software stability is maintained at the same time functionality is increased. o No change to the software ordering process. The same software ordering process that you are familiar with today will work with the new software release process. Order a new software product the same way you do today. o Improved ordering structure for peripherals. Software is ordered automatically when the peripheral order is placed. You do not have to place a separate order for software. o MPE/iX Communicator 3000 pushed every three months. New product availability will be announced every three months via the MPE/iX Communicator 3000. Order Content After September, 1993, when you order a subsystem or hardware product available as a result of the MPE-Express process, you receive the following: o Customized SUBSYS tape: A customized SUBSYS tape containing ordered subsystem products (for optionally purchased products only). o PowerPatch/iX tape: Operating system patch tape containing operating system changes that are required for subsystem and peripheral product functionality. o HP 3000 MPE/iX PowerPatch/iX Installation Manual: The manual required to perform a PowerPatch installation. o PowerPatch/iX Reference Manual: The manual containing patch information that describes the patches on the PowerPatch tape. The relationship between patches and their dependencies on subsystem products are listed in this manual. Products available as a result of the MPE-Express process include: Image/SQL Allbase/SQL HP Sockets/iX HP Glance Plus Performance Collector HP 3000 Series 987/150 7980S and 7980SX tape drives For more information, contact your HP sales representative.